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  Welcome to my guests: Please   click   below   to   be   transferred   directly   to the    website    of    your    choice.    Note    that    my Family      website      occasionally      has      limited access,   so   unless   I   have   given   you   a   username and     password,     you     may     not     be     able     to proceed. Please   feel   free   to   browse   my   websites,   read about   my   adventures   and   travels,   and   see   the many   pictures   in   the   photo   albums. All   pictures can   be   seen   in   larger   form   by   clicking   on   the thumbnail. Videos   of   my   travels   are   also   available   -   please use the toolbar at the top of the page.
About 1975 when Marine Engineer Officer of the Singapore Based frigate Welcome Enjoy your visit to my websites Visiting the Temple of Aphaia on the island of Aegina during the 2014 summer cruising season At home in the Caribbean In Sydney for New Year fireworks
Welcome to my website visitors: In   these   websites   you   will   discover   my world   and   lifestyle,   sometimes   cruising aboard    my    boats    in    the    Caribbean    or Mediterranean,        sometimes        visiting different   parts   or   the   world   for   business or   pleasure,   and   at   other   times   visiting friends   and   family   in   Canada,   the   USA   , Australia or UK. I    hope    you    enjoy    the    experience    of browsing   my   websites,   and   will   come   to appreciate   that   we   only   live   once,   and   I am   making   the   best   of   my   short   time   on this earth. Contact   me   if   you   like   -   I   shall   be   happy to   provide   further   details   should   it   be   of interest to you.
Navy Days
Tony’s Websites © Tony Dyer 2001 - 2024
Blue water anchorage between Petit St Vincent and Petit Martinique Walking on the Dorsetshire coast of UK In Italy Official portrait when appointed as the Captain of HMS Southampton in 1991 With my "Arrestor Gear" team on deck With my 2nd wife Sue at Verseilles, Paris, France As a choirboy at St Gabriels Church in Plymouth Aboard TW2 in Poole, Dorset, UK Aged about 15 taken in Austria On my 2nd wedding day on June 1st, 1990. With my first wife Gill, who I married in 1964. This picture from 1963 when I was 20 years old. Millenium picture taken aboard TW2 in Gosport, UK After 36 years this was my final night in the Royal Navy. In the Painted Hall at the naval college at Greenwich, London Aboard the MV Caterbury Star in Ecuador, South America The Captain of HMS Southampton meets the Town Crier of the City of Southampton In Spain in 1996 - Terragonna
Samples of some of the many pictures to be found in my websites (Click and browse)
This picture was taken in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Ecuador